Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tornado Hits Missouri

A tornado hit Joplin, Mo, on sunday night. It was really bad. It knocked out a hospital and so many deaths across the city. Could you imagine being that hospital and having to evacuate when you are sick? Plus it caught fire after it was abandoned. And most of the phone lines were cut off. About 30 people died from the tornado. They say on a 1-10 scale it is a 8 or 9 for damage and bad. The High School had broken windows and parts of the roof was missing. The church across the street was completely destroyed.

What happened is terrible. Especially with the hospital, having to have everyone get out of that hospital. Even people couldn't walk, or people too ill. I could imagine being there and having to leave. And then having it burn down would just crush me. I feel so bad for those 30 people and their families. I hope they rest in peace.

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