Tuesday, January 18, 2011

4 questions that I don't know

  • 1 - What do you think the global average temperature is?  This means the average for everywhere on Earth, day and night, for an entire year.  Explain why you answered what you did. Answer- 98.6 because its the temperature of our body and it seems relative to the earth.
  • 2 - People are often talking about "global warming."  How much do you think the average global temperature has increased in the past 100 years?  Do you think that this is a lot? Answer- 42.8 degrees up. I think its a lot.
  • 3 - What do you think is the hottest the Earth has ever been? (since there has been an atmosphere?)  How about the coldest the Earth has ever been?  Explain why you answered what you did. Answer- 120 degrees for the hottest and -120 degrees for the coldest. Because like australia is really hot and its been way up there and for the coldest i'm thinking about antarctica and the ice age and how those places are so cold.
  • 4 - Are you concerned about "global warming?"  Why or why not? Answer- yes because the atmosphere gets warmer and thats bad. Its hurting the animals and making more animals endangered and the water levels are rising, and that means that there will be less land because the water will take it over and we will get gills and become sea creatures. 

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