Monday, December 20, 2010

Mass Movement

Slump: It is big blocks of stuff moving down and outward along a curved plane.

Friday, December 10, 2010

the party (or parties) at fault for the gulf oil spill

I am doing the party (or parties) at fault for the gulf oil spill. I think there are many people at fault here. Like, BM managment because they should of known what to do if this happens and they should make sure everything is and will work. Another one is The president of BM because he is the big man of this operation and its funny how a month after this started happening, he quit. I think he knew that some of this was his responsibility and he didn't want everyone to come running at him, telling him to fix it and how he ruined the ocean so he just quit. Also I think we are at some fault because we told them to do it and we were the ones who wanted the oil so bad that we didn't care that that might happen, reckon I bet we didn't even think of this happening but still, we told them to so we are at fault too. I think all these 3 parties had some fault in the operation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fossil Fuel

The chemicals in coal are: Carbon, Sulfur, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.

How it is formed: formed from the remains of vegetation that grew as long as 400 million years ago.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dante's Peak

The good things were:                                      
1. Testing the Ph balance on the volcano, when gas come up into the water and the balance goes up.
2. They use a real CoSpeck, to see how much gas is in the air
3. they use a real size monitor, it measures small movements in the volcano

The bad or non accurate things were:
1. They would have died when the pyroclastic flow came because you cannot out run it and they had no tires on the car.
2. Right when they left Grandma's house they lava came through it and it would of been really hot when they were in it so they would have died.
3. When they were driving over the lava, they couldn't do that because they have a gas tank and they would have caught on fire and they would have died.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fossil Homework

This is a starfish fossil. Fossils are preserved remains or traces of animals, plants or organism's from the past. This fossil is A Mold or Cast. It is because the original remains dissolved and the mud or sediment seeped in and made a mold.

This is a mammoth fossil. It is a Original Remain because it was frozen and it is almost completely intact. They are preserved in its entirety.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I think the order from newest to oldest is 3, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4. I think it is this order because 3 is an intrusion and it goes through everything. Then 1 because it is on top then 6 because its right below 1. Then 2 because it is another intrusion but it doesn't go through 1 or 6 because 1 and 6 happened after number 2's intrusion. And number 2 goes through 5 and 4. After 2 I think number 5 because even though number 5 and 4 and slanted, 5 looks like it is just a little bit higher. And the oldest would be 4.